By Kaneko Takashi, engl., 232 pages.
This Shogi-book contains 200 problems to the theme attack in the endgame. The authors deals, with the help of these problems, with different kind of endgames and offers good explanations with the shown successions of moves.
A continuation of this volume can be found in
"Storming the Mino Castle".
Chapter index:
1: Restrain from Above
2: Pincer Attack
3: Utilization of Horse and Bishop
4: Utilization of Dragon and Rook
5: Blockade the Escape Route
6: The Process toward a Gold-on-the-head
7: Edge Pawn against Edge King
8: Mastering Silver-on-the-belly
9: The Deadly Double Check
10: Various Ending Attacks
11: Combination of Techniques