180 (+ 3-5) "Yellow Tiger Eye" stones, 21.5 x 10 mm
Tiger eye is a quartz known for its mesmerising chatoyance, which resembles the striped pattern on a tiger's skin. Yellow Tiger Eye has a yellow to golden colour with characteristic golden to brown stripes or waves. The gemstone can have a shimmering, silky appearance. The tiger's eye shows an optical effect called chatoyance or cat's eye effect. This effect is created by fine fibres inside the stone, which create a glowing stripe when exposed to light, similar to a cat's eye. Tiger's eye is often regarded as a stone of strength, courage and balance. It is believed to promote self-confidence and offer protection from negative energies. Due to its beautiful colours and cat's eye effect, yellow tiger's eye is often used in jewellery such as pendants, necklaces, bracelets and earrings.
Dimensions: 21.5 x 10 mm
Weight: 1.2 kg