Von Rob van Zeijst und Richard Bozulich, engl., 155 Seiten.
The Road Map to Shodan is a new series of go books whose aim is to provide the novice player with the strategic principles and tactical skills to rise to the level of an expert player (shodan or 1-dan).
Strategic knowledge and tactical skills are of equal importance in go. Since brute-force analysis (or reading) is next to impossible in the opening, strategic principles are emphasized. The fastest way to improve one's opening skills is to learn how to build thick positions, then to turn the influence of these positions into territory. This may seem paradoxical to the beginner, as go is a territorial game, but go is also a strategic game and influence is an overriding concern.
This Volume shows how to handle handicap stones and how to use this stategic concepts in even games with the san-ren-sei fuseki.